Speakers’s Presentations:
Opening Key note speeches
- Agnes Uhereczky, Coordinator of the #DeleteCyberbullying project
- MEP Georgios Koumoutsakos [VIDEO]
- Evangelia Markidou, European Commission, DG Connect
- Teenager cyberbullying victim, BeatBullying, UK
Figures, statistics and law: a quick overview of the latest findings and state of play
- Sameer Hinduja, Cyberbullying Research Center School of Criminology and Criminal Justice Florida Atlantic University [VIDEO]
- Dave Miles, Family Online Safety Institute
Panel 1: The youth perspective
- Introduction by Janice Richardson, INSAFE
- Teenagers cyberbullying victims from BeatBullying, UK and Protégeles, Spain
Panel 2: Industry and Law enforcement
- Maria José Cantarino de Frías, Telefónica
- Raquel Álvarez, Habbo
- Maria de Sousa-Valadas, Tuenti
- Lamprini Konsta, Cybercrime unit of Hellenic Police
Panel 3: Awareness raising and empowerment of Parents, Children and Schools
- Philippe Seidel, Child Focus
- Ana Luisa Rotta, Protégeles
- Richard Piggin, BeatBullying
- Urko Fernández, Pantallas Amigas
- Michaël Op de Beeck, Gezinsbond
Open Space: An exchange of existing projects, tools, websites, training and other material, followed by a discussion
Hub 1
How can we better empower and reach parents?
- Paul Cording, Vodafone, UK
- Ana Luisa Rotta, Protégeles, Spain
- Noemy Kostic, Action Innocence, Monaco
Hub 2
How can we better empower and reach children and youth?
- Ioanna Avloniti, Smile of the Child, Greece
- Miguel Comín, Alia2, Spain
- Ewa Dziemidowicz, FDN, Poland
Hub 3
How can we better empower and reach teachers/schools?
- JorgeFlores, Pantallas Amigas, Spain
- Ina Brecheis, Klicksafe, Germany
- Alla Kulikova, e-Enfance, France