About us:
Contact us /10-11-2004 / CONACT INFORMATION
TATYANA KMETOVA, Executive director
ADDRESS OF COURT REGISTRATION: Triaditca 6 str., fl.1, room 101, Sofia, Bulgaria
ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE: Tsar Assen 38 str., Sofia 1000, Bulgaria ...
About us /10-03-2004 / The Center of Women's Studies and Policies (CWSP) is established as a Foundation under the Bulgarian Law on
Non-Profit Legal Entities by the Decision of Sofia City Court as of 30 June 2003 (Company File № 5893/2003, tax code
1223126630, BULSTAT 131107 ...
Publications of CWSP:
Publications of CWSP /10-04-2006 / Our publishing program has been developed in response to one of our main aims, related to the achievement of high level
of awareness of the general public, the authorities and the non-governmental sector concerning the status of gender
equality in differe ...
Library /03-02-2005 / In our library you can find texts of Bulgarian laws as well as links to international legal documents. The
publications of CWSP are also presented here.
The library offers articles and papers of Bulgarian and foreign authors treating different gender i ...
Bookshop /25-01-2005 / This section is in Bulgarian language. Sorry for the inconvenience.
For more information about our publications please visit the Books and Publications section in the Library or click
here. ...
In focus:
Website of project Early Care and the Role of Men is online
 It is our pleisure to inform you that the website of ECaRoM project www.ecarom.eu is onlne in six european languages - English, German, Bulgarian, Italian, Slovenian and Lithuanian. The Project aims at promoting the concept of caring masculinities so that at a young age, children and especially boys are taught about the importance of care for themselves, others, and the environment. The Project also teaches how care professions are addressed in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) services and primary schools, and how this impacts their further educational/professional choices. The website contains information about the project, partnership and very soon we will publish our first results - national and transnational reports on the needs assessment on gender sensitive early education in Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Italy, Slovenia and Lithuania. Transnational report will compare results and will give recomendations at European level.
Next steps for partners are to organise the trainings for teachers in ECECs and primary schools on overcoming gender stereotypes and promoting the concept of caring masculinities and to prepare the national awareness raising events. For more information, please visit regularly the website of the project and like our Facebook page . |
CWSP participated in workshop on sharing of good practices on gender equality policies in Euro-Mediterranean region
 Center of Women's Studies and Policies participated from 4 to 9 of April 2016 in a training and sharing of best practices workshop, organised by the IEMed and the Euro-Mediterranean Women Foundation in the framework of the CSO-Wins EU-funded project. 36 representatives of civil society organisations and networks, working for gender equality in Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Palestine, Egypt, Libya, Jordan, Lebanon, Bulgaria, Greece and the European Women Lobby, met in Barcelona to discuss successful practices on implementing campaigns against gender based and domestic violence, guaranteing inheritance rights of women, as well as campaigns on political participation of women and capacity building for application of gender equality policies on local nad national level in the EUuro - Mediterranean region. More information about the presented practices you may find in the publication, developped within the project: https://www.euromedwomen.foundation/pg/documents/view/5583/en/4. |
16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence
On the 25th of November starts the International 16 of Activism against Gender-Based Violence campaign. The year 2015 marks the 24th year of the campaign, initiated in 1991 and this year the Center of Women's Studies and Policies Foundation will focus again on a topic, which is not so much discussed neither in Bulgaria, nor in Europe - the role of the private business for prevention, protection and reintegration of women suffering gender-based violence outside their workplace. As a partner in the two years' project CARVE - Companies Against gendeR based ViolEnce , co-financed by the EU Daphne III Program, CWSP made a study in the period February-June 2015 on the level of information, attitudes and practices in companies in Bulgaria for prevention, protection and reintegration of women, victims of violence, happenning outside their workplace. Look at the results. |
On going projects:
Project Caring Masculinities in Action - CarMiA /09-08-2022 / PERIOD OF IMPLEMENTATION: March 2022-March 2024
THE GENERAL OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT is to trigger a change in the attitude of men and boys with respect to the
dominant models of masculinity in order to prevent gender-based violence (GBV).
Project ECaRoM - Early care and the role of men /15-03-2021 / The “Early care and the role of men” (EcaRoM) is a European funded project, which is being implemented for
24 months from February 2021 until January 2023. The Project aims at promoting the concept of caring masculinities so
that at a young ag ...
Projects 2017-2019: