Convention on the Rights of the Child
Every child has: the right to life; the right to a name and nationality; the right to be with their parents or with those who will care for them best; the right to have a say about things that affect them; the right to have ideas and say what they think; the right to practice their religion; the right to meet with other children; the right to get information they need; the right to special care, education and training, if needed; the right to health care; the right to enough food and clean water; the right to free education; the right to play; the right to speak their own language; the right to learn about and enjoy their own culture; the right not to be used as a cheap worker; the right not to be hurt or neglected; the right not to be used as a soldier in wars; the right to be protected from danger; the right to know about their rights and responsibilities.
Know your rights. Respect other people's rights. Be responsible! The full text of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.