The United Nations Resident Coordinator in Bulgaria and the Center of Women’s Studies and Policies organize on 28 November 2005 a Roundtable discussion on:
Women's Participation in Politics and Decision Making, dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the 5th anniversary of the adoption of the Millennium Development Goals.
For participation in the Roundtable are invited leaders of the parliamentary represented political parties, Members of Parliament, representatives of the executive, NGOs, political scientists, sociologists and pollsters, gender equality experts.
The Roundtable will discuss the Parliamentary Elections (June, 2005) regarding the recruitment and nomination of women in the party lists on elective positions, and the achieved results; the participation of women in local governance and local authorities; the declared gender equality in legislation and parties’ programs and its realization de facto; the differences between gender equality and equal treatment of men and women; the difference between anti-discrimination measures and affirmative measures for gender equality; how to achieve competent political debate and efficient governance through equal participation of women and men and not through quantitatively measured representation; possibilities for collaboration between political parties and the civil society in that area.