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HomeIn focusArchive - In FocusIn Focus 2006

Gender Equality and Social Policy in the Operational Programme of the Council of EU for 2006

In the area of social protection, the Presidencies will pursue work on the key question of the sustainability of the European Social Model and, in the context of the streamlining of the three dimensions of social inclusion, pensions and health and long-term care, the Council will adopt early in 2006 the first common objectives for social protection. It will be submitted to the Spring European Council for endorsement in the spring 2006, and implementation will start in the autumn.


The Presidencies will seek to finalize the decision establishing a Community programme for employment and social solidarity (PROGRESS). Due attention will be given to the forthcoming Communication on social services of general interest. The Council will also address the social challenges of globalisation.


In the context of the Commission's Green Paper and the forthcoming communication on demographic challenge and intergenerational solidarity, the Presidencies will attach special importance to families, family policy and reconciliation of work and family life as well as gender equality. The Presidencies will also highlight attractiveness and quality of working life as essential means to reach the objectives of the Lisbon strategy and to raise the employment rate.


The two Presidencies will work closely together on issues which matter to citizens in their everyday lives. Efforts will be made to create more and better jobs and stable economic growth. The two Presidencies will ensure that the work of the Council contributes to economic and social welfare, protection of environment, reducing of administrative burden, freedom and security of European citizens as well as strengthening the role of the Union within the world.


The whole text of the Operational Programme can be found on the website of the Austrian Presidency.



Delegation of the European Commission to Bulgaria


Website of the Austrian Presidency of the EU, 2006


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