The statement of the MP is in the context of a media sex-scandal that broke recently concerning the mayor of the city of Pazardzhik who was accused in using 14-year old Roma girls as prostitutes for a foreign diplomatic delegation. Having in mind the fact that Ognian Saparev is one of the most influential parliament members, ex-rector of the University of Plovdiv, ex-director of the National television, and at present Vice-Chairs of the Educational Commission at the Bulgarian Parliament, Center "Amalipe" would like to attract the attention to the following: the statement of Ognian Saparev is strongly discriminative and in violation of the major principles of Bulgarian Constitution and a number of legislative acts.
CONSTITUTION OF THE REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA Art. 6. (2) All citizens are equal before law. No restrictions of rights and privileges are allowed on the basis of race, nationality, ethnic affiliation, gender, origin, religion, education* CHILD PROTECTION LAW Art. 2. Child as regarded by this law is every person under the age of 18. Art. 10. (2) No restriction of rights and privileges are allowed based on race, nationality, ethnic affiliation, gender, origin, material condition, religion, education and convictions or injuries. Art. 11. (3) Every child has the right to be protected against being used for beggary, prostitution, distribution of pornographic materials and receiving of illegal material benefits, as well as against sexual harassment. PENAL CODE ??. 188. (1) Everyone who compels an under-age person to commit a crime or towards prostitution is punished with a prison for the period of five years as well as with public reprobation. OPTIONAL PROTOCOL TO THE CONVENTION ON THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILD ON THE SALE OF CHILDREN, CHILD PROSTITUTION AND CHILD PORNOGRAPHY. Ratified by the 39th National Assembly on October 31, 2001. We consider the lack of reaction against this discriminative and law-violating statement troubling and alarming.
Therefore, we are asking for your reaction! Please send it to the official e-mail address of the Bulgarian Socialist Party: , and to the e-mail address of "Amalipe":