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10 June - International Day of Roma Women

The Conference in Budapest (10-13 June, 1998) was organized by the Network Women’s Program and the Roma Participation Program of the Open Society Institute (OSI).


Roma women from Macedonia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania, Germany and Spain attended the meeting sponsored by the Network Roma Participation Program. Conference sessions addressed the following issues: tradition and modernity in the life of Romany women; sex discrimination; violence; activity of Romany women's NGOs; women's human rights; international instruments on women's rights and Romany women; education (with emphasis on children's education); health; media outreach; and others.


Outcomes of the meeting included the decisions to establish the first International Association of Romany Women and to establish the International Day of Romany Women - June 10.


In 1999 the OSI launched the Roma Women’s Initiative, which promotes the human rights of Roma women by empowering Roma women activists in Central and Eastern Europe and especially promotes the development of young Roma women’s leadership.

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