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European conference "Families beyond borders - What is the impact of migration on families?"

is breaking taboos and provoking discussions on gender roles and transnational families in Europe.

5-6 November 2015 - Sofia, Bulgaria


Participants of the training "Designing and implementing your advocacy campaign for transnational families" | Photo © 2015 Ana Pérez 

On the 5-6 November 2015, COFACE, the Confederation of Family Organisations in the EU and the Bulgarian Center of Women's Studies and Policies (CWSP), organized the “Families Beyond Borders” conference in Sofia, Bulgaria. The 2-day event, focused on transnational families, aimed at exploring challenges and consequences of what it means to move to a different country for better economic prospects, but leaving ageing parents and sometimes young children in their countries of origin.

Economic migration is not a new phenomenon but, while studies and policies are focussed on the person who move, little attention is paid to those family members who stay in the country of origin and the impact that the migration process has on the family has a whole. The departure of a family member is always a difficult decision and sometimes a last resort for families living in poverty. The profile of economic migrants in some areas is changing, bringing changes also on roles within the family: more and more women move to become care workers abroad and become the family breadwinners.


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