One and a half years after the launch of the #DeleteCyberBullying Project, it is time to take stock of the milestones and achievements of the campaign and look at the challenges that still lie ahead.
The event will be held on 4th June, 15:00-18:00 at the Northern Ireland Executive Brussels Office . The event agenda will include a European Commission speaker, as well as the launch of the #DeleteCyberBullying mobile app , followed by a light drinks reception.
Please feel free to circulate this message among any interested colleagues. Registration is free and will be open until 23rd May. To register for the event, please click here We look forward welcoming you in Brussels for a fruitful debate!
The #DC team
To keep up-to date on the fight against cyberbullying, follow us on Twitter: @dcyberbullying #deletecyberbullying, and visit our blog